You know, I’m not sure if I want to go the memorial on Saturday.
Yeah, I mean, I’ll go, I’m just not that excited about it. You know.
See, I think the thing is that I’ve reached a point of closure in dealing with it for myself. And I know that going to the thing will kind of reopen a lot of that. I’m just not looking forward to that.
Ok, that’s fair. You don’t have to go, you know.
Oh, I know.
So why are you going?
Well, to pay my respects. And to support you, too.
You don’t have to do that if you’ve reached a point of closure. I know I’ve got your support.
I know, but still…
I mean, honestly, if it was your old girlfriend from high school, I wouldn’t go.
You wouldn’t go? Really?
I mean, she and I weren’t really—
You wouldn’t go?
I mean, I would go to support you, but otherwise no.
You just said you wouldn’t go.
No, I –
See, here’s the difference between you and me. I’m going to go to support you, even though it matters for nothing to you. Whereas if it was me, you, knowing how much I value all this symbolic support and shit, wouldn’t even go.
No, that’s not true at all.
It’s not all about you, you know. I also want to pay my respects to the family.
Well, that’s a reason to go then.